Friday, February 19, 2010

parallel lives...

...except i'm not a wunderkin or sitting front row at chanel. or, in any row. so. there's that.

they gold chain is being modeled by darling edgar. he gave me a beautiful over-sized wooden chain link necklace in return. baby looks real gooooood.

in other news

friday recap

reviews are over. a momentary wave of relief has settled in for the day as i consider new short term goals and resolutions...
  1. i still need leather leggings. they may be the one good thing about cold weather and i'm missing out.
  2. jumpers/hotpants/knickers. yes li edelkoort, knickers WILL hit the city streets in 2010 and they're all i can think about. they're my current raison d'ĂȘtre. they're also a reason to strongly consider a part-time job.
  3. metallic oxfords. i want them. now. please.