Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a "three-fer"

a year ago yesterday i started doodling. well that's a lie. i started a long, long time ago, probably in the womb with the placenta. gross. whatever. shock value...

but a year ago i got my first linen covered, spiral bound cachet sketch book (i only remember because i drew a 4 leaf clover pattern for st. patty's day). this week, i'll finish my fourth sketchbook. so.... that's exciting. i like anniversaries, enumerating my life in frames of time, reflecting on time in relation to its pace, how it's not linear and will never be appropriately represented in a visual sense, so on and so forth...

also, today was crazy and i would love to discuss it buuuut not really. so here's a very saturated pattern to express the saturation of life i've been experiencing lately. it's great... feeling fully saturated with life.

i mean really, the easier you let life become the closer to dead you are, i didn't really know how to word that without ending it with a preposition, so here is a run on sentence and a few more words to distract you.


Pete said...

I think I love you.

icecream_birds said...

HAHA fully saturated with life! i LOVE this